Marcy Heim, CEO, The Artful Asker, lives to inspire generosity and transformation! She’s a resilient, risk-taker who knows her mind and knows her stuff when it comes to building success in your fundraising... and your life! On stages throughout North America and beyond, Marcy delivers empowering messages with tangible tools to set your intentions for personal and professional success. A Certified Speaking Professional, AFP Master Teacher, CFRE, and Professional Life Coach (PLCC - UW Madison) she’s received numerous awards including the prestigious CASE Crystal Apple and AFP Outstanding Fundraising Professional. Her book, "Empowering Your Board to Serve as Effective Development Ambassadors" is a go-to resource for non-profit boards and staff alike.
For over twenty years she led her team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison through 3 successful campaigns including the $1.8 Billion Create-the-Future Campaign. For the past decade, she has empowered her clients to transform their major giving results and Ask for Anything Artfully with her 3-sentence tool. Her talks are peppered with original fundraising tunes you won’t be able to get out of your head! SHINE ON with Marcy!
Jason Arbacheski - Director of Gift Planning and Stewardship, Chester County Community Foundation
Travis Coley, MBA - Managing Director, Whitepenny
Monika Collins - Vice President for Advancement and Philanthropic Services, The Foundation for Delaware County
Stephen Eberle, CFRE - Vice President for Advancement, Marketing, and Communications, Ignatian Volunteer Corps
Brian Gawor, CFRE - JGA
Jax Gitzes, MA - Grants Manager, Big Brother Big Sisters Independence Region
Kelly Grattan, PhD, MBA, CAP®, CFRE - Schultz & Williams
Lisa Greer - Author, Major Donor, and Change Agent
Liz Hefner, CFRE - Schultz & Williams
Marcy Heim, CFRE - CEO, The Artful Asker
Amy Henry - President, Flashlight Insights
Mojdeh Keykhah, PhD - Director of Development and Communications, Women’s Resource Center
Robert Lane, MBA, PhD - CEO, Lane Services, LLC
Tracy Malloy-Curtis, JD - VP of Legacy Giving, Mal Warwick Donordigital
Barbara O’Reilly, CFRE - Founder and Principal, Windmill Hill Consulting
Jesse Park - President, amplifi
Sarah Pita - Director of Grants and Communications, Hudson Ferris
Katherine Sprissler-Klein - Senior Associate, Windmill Hill Consulting
Liz Trout - Director of Annual Giving, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Emily Wells - Senior Director, CCS Fundraising